Sunday, August 23, 2009
¡Hola, Hola! I’m in OKINAWA!!!

My 6 months of "training" commenced as soon as I arrived Wednesday night & I’ve been running around ever since! Until we take over in February, I'll be shadowing the other volunteers here, learning about the different communities we'll be serving, watching classes, leaning how to drive stick on these crazy dirt roads & of course learning Spanish! :) I ‘ve gone to the Japanese school and watched Gene (another missionary) help the students, went to the local communities, helped another volunteer teach catechism, and I’ve met the “internas” or the boarding school girls, all the sisters, and some of the locals – all of which are really nice and supper welcoming! :)

There is no school on the weekends, so one of the locals invited the SLMs to visit her husband while they harvested wheat, allowing us the drive the machine & eat coca leafs with him (By the way, not recommended! Its like chewing bitter green tea leaves, my Melon Breeze Orbit gum is a little tastier ;) and visited her brother’s farm were we ate supper delicious fruit! One in particular didn't have a name, its a hybrid of a lime, a grapefruit, and an orange, so it looks like a large lime, but it has ALL those flavors, SO good! :D ¡Que Fantastica! 

Next week, I go to Santa Cruz - the main city - for my permanent visia and I get to see the other missionaries I met in New York for orientation! :) 

Your Very Happy,
Lil Lamb :D